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chevron salt lake refinery is now producing tier 3 cleaner fuels

1 min read

Dear Friend of the Chevron Salt Lake Refinery:

We all understand the importance of improving air quality in Utah. That’s why I am pleased to announce that the Chevron Salt Lake Refinery is now producing and making available for purchase in Utah cleaner fuels that will meet the annual Tier 3 sulfur-content requirement.

In 2017, we made the commitment to voluntarily invest and reconfigure our Salt Lake Refinery to produce fuels that will comply with Tier 3 by January 1, 2020. We pursued this multimillion-dollar capital project because we don’t just do business here, we live here, and cleaner air matters to all of us.

Chevron’s Salt Lake Refinery has worked hard to reduce our facility air emissions by 90 percent since 1990 while continuing to deliver quality, affordable fuel for consumers. We have also worked with community organizations, such as the Utah Clean Air Partnership (UCAIR), to implement programs like the wood-burning stove exchange to help reduce emissions from small area sources.

We all have a part to play in improving Utah’s air quality, and Chevron is proud to begin 2020 with the production and availability for purchase of these cleaner fuels that can help reduce tailpipe emissions from automobiles.

Thank you for your continued collaboration. We look forward to continuing our work with you in the new year.


Mitra Kashanchi

Refinery Manager
Chevron Salt Lake Refinery