cleaner air

At Chevron, we pride ourselves on working to solve today’s biggest challenges. Air quality has consistently ranked as a top concern for Utahns, and we are working to be part of the solution.
Clear skies over Salt Lake City

tier 3

We don’t just do business here. We live here. And as part of the community, we are committed to producing cleaner Tier 3 fuels to support cleaner air. Using these lower sulfur Tier 3 fuels can help reduce tailpipe emissions from vehicles, which are the largest source of pollution during winter inversions and the summer ozone season.

reducing emissions

Chevron has a legacy of environmental responsibility in the Salt Lake Valley. We’ve invested in technology to control the amount of emissions generated, such as sulfur recovery and flare vapor recovery.

community partnership

Improving air quality requires collaboration across the region. We work with the Utah Clean Air Partnership (UCAIR) and other organizations to implement programs that can help educate and mobilize individuals, businesses and communities to make changes to improve Utah’s air.